Age: 21
Heritage: Born on Hawaii, Earth. Her mother left her at a nursery home on Mars at an early age. Father unknown.
Personality: Jemma was a prodigy child in school, and as her brain works faster than normal, she becomes easily bored.
She's jumpy and tomboyish, and often break mad ideas before Jill can react...
She also seem to have some hidden abilites... |
Age: 20
Heritage: Born and raised on Mars. Her parents were prominent scientists, but died when she was 13.
Personality: Called "Gehenna", or "G" by Jemma, because when she get angry, it's "like watching the gates of Hell open".
Jill is a proud Martian and is very biased against Earth and Terrans. She says it's by political reasons, but Jemma suspects it's something personal... |
Age: 26
Heritage: Not much is known. He is born on Mars.
Personality: Jemma's old boyfriend, and apparently a notorious ass. He owns the cargo freight company "Unlimited Cargo".
He has the unusual tweak of only having cyborg workers, even though they are not generally accepted on Mars (see more in the World section). |
Age: Unknown
Heritage: Unknown. Probably Earth.
Personality: Cyril is a full cyborg (ie: only his brain and some internal organs are organic), and works as Adrian's Economical Advisor.
He looks harsh, but he is undyingly loyal to Adrian. |
Age: 18
Heritage: Terran Japanese, from the artificial research island Poseidon, outside Japan. Both her parents are scientists.
Personality: Adrian's current girlfriend, Kirika has come to Mars to study cultural differences and martian science.
Her parents have payed her a place on the high-rated(and expensive) Nozomi university, but she's mostly studying the Martian night life... |
Age: Unknown.
Heritage: Roots in China, Earth.
Personality: Chief Inspector of the Central Bureau, an umbrella organisation that controls "Unlimited Cargo", among others.
A "Mirage" type cyborg, she can access global networks and control neural interfaces via wetwiring or network diving.
Adrian has much respect for her, as she can decide his work's destiny... |
Age: Unknown.
Heritage: Unknown.
Personality: Leads the team in the cargo bay at Unlimited Cargo. He's a harsh and rough type in a Heavy Defense cyborg body. |
Age: Unknown
Heritage: Unknown. Probably Earth.
Personality: Bo is one of Adrian's workers, and a full heavy-duty cyborg. He seem to have taken a liking to Jill, who fights for cyborg rights on Mars. |
Age: 25
Heritage: Unknown.
Personality: One of the workers at Unlimited Cargo. He has no special status. |
Age: 25
Heritage: Unknown.
Personality: One of the workers at Unlimited Cargo. He has no special status. |